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  • 2015년 7월 2일 목요일

    MPOS Printing Solution Leader SEWOO (POS, Mobile Printer)

    MPOS Printing Solution Leader SEWOO 

    First mPOS solutions were delivered to the market in
    2010, initially limited to micro-merchants whose budget
    did not accommodate the cost of mainstream payment
    card processing. Nowadays mPOS solutions are now going
    mainstream, with merchant base expanding to big retailers
    and growing to a range of vertical markets.
    mPOS solutions are bringing Unique Selling Points that
    current EFT POS terminals and POS systems were unable to offer.

    MPOS strongly need a printer connecting with Tablet PC or Mobile phone by 
    Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, Wireless communication.

    Here are MPOS Printers MPOS users want

    ALL of SEWOO POS and Mobile Printers are perfectly suitable for POS

    and compatible with IOS, Windows, Android, Blackberry etc.

    You can choose SEWOO MPOS Printer which is suitable for your environment 
    due to various MPOS printers in SEWOO